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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1196-02-02কোনো ক্ষোভ নাইশীলভদ্ৰ
1950-01-01সতীৰ তেজকলিতা, দণ্ডিনাথ
1960-01-01কন্নকীবৰুৱা, হেম
1975-02-03কাঠনিবাৰী ঘাটবৰা, মহিম
1991Duliajan Colege Magazing 1991-92Gogoi (Editor), Dipantar Kumar
1994-02-10Duliajan College Silver JubileeCollege, Duliajan
1995Some Aspects of TopologyGogoi, Lok Bikash
1995-01-01কবিচলিহা, স‌ৌৰভ কুমাৰ
2000Duliajan CollegePRAGYAJYOTI 2000
2001Pragyajyoti 2001Tamuli, Gopi
2004B Sc 4th SemesterUniversity, Dibrugarh
2004B Sc 4th SemesterUniversity, Dibrugarh
2004-07-27Extrnsion ActivityWomen's Studies and Development Cell, Duliajan College
2004-09-04Journal of Histoey Duliajan College 2004Saikia, Bhupen
2005-08-01Soumarjyoti Journal of History Duliajan College 2005Saikia, Bhupen
2007শিৱসাগৰ জিলাৰ সত্ৰানুষ্ঠান :খাটপাৰ সত্ৰৰ বিশেষ উল্লেখসহ এটি অধ্যয়নKonwar, Moonmi
2007Vocational Interest of Girls Studying in the Secondary Schools of Dibrugarh District of Assam in Relation to Their Scholastic Achievement, Soci-Economic Status, Parental and Teachers' GuidanceHatibaruah, Dr. Monsoon Dutta
2007Occupational Aspiration of Grils Student SSS Dibrugarh District of AssamHatibaruah, Dr. Monsoon
2007Soumarjyoti Journal of History Duliajan College 2006 -07Saikia, Bhupen
2008A comparative study of urban and rural primary schools in the context of enrolment and drop-outs with special reference to Duliajan DibrugarhBaruah, Ankita